In the world of Tantra, the Heavenly world of Euforica, prices and conditions also apply.
prices and conditions
- Healing session / also distance healing / 1 hour € 80,-
- Intimacy Coaching also online / Intake 1 uur € 80,- *
Session 1 hour € 80,-
Package for € 680,- = 6 months
This package includes: 8 sessions + healing + exercises + telegram coaching
Traject course or combination with other sessions price in consultation. - Cuddle session intake (possible online) 30 minutes € 28,-
Session 1 hour € 80,- / 1,5 hour € 108,- 2 hours € 128,- * - Tantra Touch 2 hours € 168,- *
- Tantra Massage
Awakening, Yoni, Lingam en Prostate massage 2 hours € 199,- 3 hours € 280,- *
If you would like a longer session, that is certainly possible and I would be happy to discuss it with you! - Tantra for couples
Euphoric pampering package or lesson partner massages with you
Total for couple is 4 hours – from € 399,- * - VIP Intensive for single or couple – 1 or more days – on request
- Workshop / day / weekend – see relevant Workshop
- Retreat – see the respective Retreat
- On location – travel cost in consultation
A strip card for when you come more often is easy and cheaper!
- 3 sessions of 2 hours € 555,- * Valid for 6 months
- 5 sessions of 2 hours € 899,- * Valid for 9 months
- 8 sessions of 2 hours € 1.388,- * Valid for 12 months
* Sessions in NL - (additional donation for travel and accommodation)
Financial conditions
Normal working hours are on all weekdays between 11 a.m. to 8 p.m.
(weekends in consultation)
- After booking, I will confirm the appointment made by e-mail, including the specific details for the session in question, so I would also like to receive your e-mail address and telephone number when booking.
- If a session lasts longer then fifteen minutes, I will calculate the extra time, if you do not want this, please indicate this.
- If the appointment has been canceled within 48 hours, half of the session will be charged, if canceled within 24 hours, the entire session will be charged.
Professionalism is paramount, this means that I will continue to invest (financially) in training, practice and health.
If you want more information or book a session. You are welcome!