Party time

Euforica - Party Time

Hi beautiful soul, it’s time for a party time.

First of all, how are you doing? It’s been a while since I wrote a blog.

For the new ones, welcome, I will start sending the news again with regularity, it has been a bit quiet due to circumstances.

Indeed, a lot has happened in the past year.

1. Several moves in six months, which had to do with some problems with the houses and homeowners. Since a year I have been living in Tibi, I don’t need to leave here for the time being. It was some work, I am very happy with it.

2. Participation in the TV programme B&B full of love 2023. That was a huge experience, especially after 11 years of no TV . now 12, I don’t have much with it hahaha. It did a lot to me, I met many beautiful people, it also had a lot of impact on my life, including the necessary trips to the Netherlands. Because of the TV programme, Tantra got more publicity, which also kept me a bit busier.

3. I took ME time for a while during which I went on an inner journey, using a new method to free myself from old ballast, even ancestors and more. This was a huge healing, this brought me even more into my authentic self. I now use this method in my practice, which works super !

4. I am following a new year training which helps me to work in a different way and also to give my business a new boost.

As you know there is ‘Your Balance Coach’, it exists 10 years this month !

In addition, ‘Euphoria’ joined it in 2019, which is now almost 5 years ! – In balance with your authentic self, through Bodywork, Therapy and Tantra.

To keep up with two websites and dual Social Media is a bit much,

Slowly, I am going to merge all that into one, which is why the training is going to help me take steps to make a change.

From now on, I am going to keep you up to date with news, and special offers via e-mail again, there are a number of them. Also on Instagram, Tiktok and Facebook.

On 13 June, I’m throwing a party, an impromptu Sales Party.

You as a customer, some of you have been there for a long time, and you as a newsletter subscriber, I would love to involve you in this party.

I am having a sales marathon, you can expect 5 emails with great offers.

Follow me on INSTA:



I’m looking forward to it, and wish you lots of fun !

If you have a question or comment, let me know!

Love & Light